Advice and support for your group

Looking for help in running your group? You can drop in on Thursday 9.30 – 1.00pm to Southover House and speak to Lee Shepherd of 3VA. He can help with setting up a new group, identifying potential sources of funding, and recruiting and retaining your volunteers.

Lee can also help if you are looking to do some volunteering as he has knowledge of many of the local groups and organisations who may need help. He can help you think through why you want to volunteer, how much time you can offer, what your skills are that you are offering  and what you are looking to get out of it. Try searching the national volunteering website

Or call Lee on 07535992638

Update on North Street developments

The recent AGM of the town partnership invited Clive Wilding (of Santon the developers of the site) to give an update and provide a timetable of what to expect over next time period as people have wondered what is going on since the planning permsission was granted. Most of the first phase’s buildings by Phoenix Place are getting prepared for demolition. People who were living or working there have now been moved and there are barriers in place. This work is meant to start before Christmas.

During any demolition process there are plans to restrict nuisance for neighbours and dust and noise, on similar lines to that of the Magistrates Court workings. It was requested at the meeting, and followed up with Santon, that any loss of car parking spaces are replaced with similar for the duration to avoid problems for people living and trying to park on nearby residential roads.

Heritage surveys have been undertaken and any industrial or pre-industrial finds will be published. Santon have agreed that any structures that formed part of the old iron works that can be rescued will be passed to the Phoenix Rising group.

Clive Wilding was asked to focus specifically on the issues of affordable housing and the proposed Health Hub. You can download and read the notes from the discussion here ltp-2016-agm-discussion-session